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Where does the ninja cat meme 🥷🐱 come from?

Drawing inspiration from the viral Welcome to the Internet meme by Jason Heuser, KC Lemson created a graphic for a PowerPoint presentation that showed the cat (which Lemson says is a female) on a unicorn holding a flag adorned with the Microsoft logo.

Microsoft Life blog post by Candace Whitney-Morris (Jan 3, 2018).

It has become the unofficial mascot of Microsoft employees and carries the gist of inspiration in the workplace, nerding-out your passion, being creative and taking yourself not too serious at times while still delivering exceptional results. We humans think “outside our box” and come up with solutions for tough problems best when our minds are running free. KC Lemson - the inventor of the ninja cat - also uses the term “surfing on chaos”. What could better depict that than the ninja cat riding on a T-Rex?

ninja cat riding trex

source: the windows blog re-shared via the verge

KC Lemson and her invention of the ninja-cat definitely had a huge impact on Microsoft’s culture. We are proud to carry it forward as mascot for the joint Microsoft + SAP journey.

"Being a ninja cat is more than just being a ninja. Or a cat. It's a state of mind."

— from the Adventures of a Ninja Cat.

By the way, which meme do you like best? Here are a couple for you to get as inspired as KC got when she invented the mascot. Found some more? Please share them with us. We are always eager to get more triggers for inspiration.

ninja cat riding unicorn over sap cloud

source: adaptation of original by Morgan Deegan

ninja cat riding trex

source: Windows Blog

ninja cat with kong

source: the windows blog re-shared via the verge

ninja cat jurassic park

source: Matt Simon via twitter

ninja cat beatles

source: Michael Gillett via Twitter

Since the former combined emoji has been discontinued, we use it now as below.


Integration Ninja Cats 🥷🐱

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