SAP is one of the most critical business systems deployed to the company landscape. It holds the most valuable data and many organizations fully relay on the availability of their SAP ERP or SAP S/...
Your SAP data becomes “sentimental”
Dear community, Many discussions around moving SAP to Azure, AWS, Alibaba or GCP circle around IaaS capabilities, cost of running production and maintenance procedures for instance. However, in my...
Introducing the SAP ERP connector
SAP is one of the largest providers of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in the market today, handling an enterprise’s business applications like accounting, sales, payroll, finance, prod...
Go blue/green with your Cloud Foundry app from WebIDE with Azure DevOps
Dear community, My last post on release strategies (e.g. canary) covered a nice example on how to implement an integrated CI/CD pipeline with SAP WebIDE, Azure DevOps and Azure App Service for Con...
Your SAP on Azure – Part 22 – Read SAP HANA data from Azure Databricks
It has been a couple of weeks since I blogged last time, but I think I’m now on track with other projects and I’m happy to continue the SAP on Azure series! In the past few episodes, I focused on t...
Canary Releases for SAPUI5 with Azure DevOps
Dear community, Recently I had multiple discussions on deployment topics regarding SAP components such as ABAP programs, SAP UI5 apps and respective challenges to adopt modern continuous integrati...
Your SAP on Azure – Part 10 – B2B Integration
Using Azure Logic Apps as the integration service is a smart way to connect your organization with the external trading partners. You don’t have to buy hardware or software licenses so there are no...
A Serverless Extension Story – From ABAP to Azure
The topic of extensions especially side-by-side extensions is quite hot in the SAP ecosystem. The options available for such extensions are growing at SAP e.g. via the extension factory or ABAP Ste...
Your SAP on Azure – Part 15 – Connect SAP Vora with Azure HDInsight
There are many Hadoop distributions available, like the HortonWorks or Cloudera. But you can also provision the cluster in the Cloud. Microsoft Azure offers service called HDInsights that can be us...
Your SAP on Azure – Part 21 – Stream SAP data into Azure Event Hub using SAP Data Hub
Azure EventHubs is a fully managed service that allows exchanging messages between systems in real-time. It’s capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second. SAP Data Hub doesn’t...